Don’t Forget The Power Of The Smile

The_Power_Of_The_Smile.As we near the final push of holiday shoppers and bumper to bumper traffic, it is a good time to remember the power behind a simple smile. No matter what kind of day one might be having or the stresses one is dealing with, a sincere smile, to a friend or stranger, is a great way to brighten one’s day. The receiver of a smile will appreciate it and the giver should feel good in providing a positive moment to another.  Try it. Smile and hold a door open for someone. Smile to the person in the drive thru. Smile as you walk by someone in a crowded store or in a waiting room. It is truly amazing how powerful a smile can be. A simple nonverbal gesture is a universal way to express joy, appreciation and kindness. If everyone tries to smile just a bit more every day then maybe kindness becomes the norm and not the exception. Smile And The World Smiles With You !

