What is really a “Fair Share” with Taxes ?


What I find hypocritical is that many politicians talk about “Fair Share”. Those in states that have high state taxes seem to be complaining the most. The Tax Reform in 2017 only capped the deduction of State Taxes at $10,000. Personally, I feel it should have been eliminated. Those that get a deduction on their Federal Taxes for what they paid in State Taxes is really what is not fair. Federal Refunds come from the Federal money which is made up of funds from every tax paying citizen throughout the country. Individuals that live in states with high state taxes choose to live and elect politicians that keep taxes high. For those of us in other states I don’t feel it is fair that my Federal Tax Dollars are given back to reduce their high state taxes. Either move to a different state or elect politicians that reduce your state taxes. I think about the millions of Federal dollars that are refunded for State Tax Deductions because of Just CA and NY and a handful of other states.  It seems those that complain don’t really want “fair share” they want the rest of us to pay for their choices. If we really want a Fair Tax system… we need to look at a simple “Flat Tax” …eliminate all deductions and everyone pay the same percent.  If you make more, you pay more, but everyone is treated the same. The answer is not increasing Taxes Rates on those that already pay more than others, it is simplifying the Tax system so everyone is treated equally.


Political Differences should be Embraced not Demonized.

This was my first blog I ever wrote… January, 2014…sadly,  5 years later not much has changed..even worse.

This week we saw some cold, frigid weather; and of course the continuous back and forth of politicians blaming each other for why our country has issues that need to be addressed. We as Americans are some of the most Honest, Hard Working, Caring, give-the-shirt-off-your back individuals on the entire planet. Don’t get me wrong, there are wonderful people all over…even in the countries that we consider “enemies” of the USA.

God created people. We are good by nature…some choose to do bad things.

Contrary to what many in the media want to project and fill the airwaves with, most Americans get along with one another, respect one another, Love one another. Yes, regardless of Race, Religious Affiliation, Life Choices and Personal Beliefs…we do get along. We don’t all agree but most people in this country are kind, caring and willing to listen to others that have a difference of opinion.

It is sad to see what is happening on a National Scale in Washington…it filters to politics on all levels..then filters to everyday America.

When a person is surrounded and constantly bombarded with anger, negativity, blame, and the feeling of hopelessness bad things can happen. We are ALL responsible for what is happening to our Country. We are about to start a year of candidates that will be running for various national and local politics as we head towards the elections of 2020. I would like to see a candidate start a debate by saying to their opponent..”Just so you know, I love you as one of God’s children, respect you as an individual and appreciate the good that you do in this world. Yes I do disagree with you on many topics but I am willing to have an open, honest discussion about our differences so the voters can decide who they would like to represent them.” I would like to see the reaction of the moderator and the audience if a debate started that way.

The sad part is most neighborhoods, coffeehouse discussions start this way without having to preface it. Most folks enjoy a good discussion and respect opinions of others. Something seems to get lost when a person runs for an office or is already elected and trying to do their job.

Even those that seem to not be able to stand the sight of one another in Washington have more in common than they believe. If we start with what we have in common than the differences don’t seem as bad. There will Never be a time when every person believes the exact same thing. We are not robots, not machines. We have opinions. We look different, sound different and yes, we think different. However, at the core of our existence we believe in many of the same things. Even for the people who don’t believe there is a God, they believe in what the Ten Commandments states, they just may call it common sense rather than rules from God. I may never convince someone there is a God but I know in my heart God still loves them. I may never convince someone of my political and philosophical beliefs but I know we can still respect each other and work together to find common ground and do good things.
