The Example Of College Athletics & What The Media Does Not Show.


team prayer

I watched my Alma Mater lose in the Final Four as MSU lost to Texas Tech. The Post-Game news conference and interviews reminded me once again why College Athletics should be the example to both adolescents, and even many professional athletes, in how one should conduct themselves.  Coach Izzo and the Spartan players all acknowledged that the Red Raiders played better, took blame for missing shots, and appreciated that they had a great season and came up short.  There was no finger pointing, accusing others for causing them to lose etc. Even the first game between Auburn and Virginia, which did have some controversial and missed calls at the end, saw the Auburn team talk about their defeat with class and dignity. In victory, both Virginia and Tech were humble and appreciative of their opponents. Given all that, what stood out above everything was what the media didn’t show. At the end of the MSU/Texas Tech game, when the winning coach was finally able to make it back to the locker room to see his players who had been waiting, the announcers wondered just how much celebrating they were going to do given they still had one more game to play. As Coach Beard finally made it in, before any words were spoken, they all gathered in a circle and knelt in prayer. The cameras immediately went to a different shot. The media did not want the public to see what many believe to be more important than a basketball game, more important than a school reaching a final for the first time in their is the Glory to God for all their ability and opportunity. Many teams pray, whether they win or lose, yet ironically there are High Schools around the country that are trying to ban team prayer.  If a player gets hurt it seems to be OK for players to kneel and pray for their well-being and the media will show that but if a team wins or loses and just wants to thank God for the opportunity than that becomes taboo and gets no recognition. If we truly want to see more young athletes grow up to be humble, less arrogant and be the role models that many look up to, then maybe the media needs to show what many college athletes are already doing….If players are acknowledging God for all their success and opportunity then let that be part of the story…faith, hard work and humility can spread just as fast as arrogance and greed.
