America Is At A Crossroads

The division in our society is becoming clearer and clearer. We have those that do not want to allow prayer during events because it might offend someone yet are fine allowing athletes to disrespect the American Flag and Anthem even though it offends millions. We have those that find an athlete like Tim Tebow to be disruptive but looks up to those like Kaepernick. We have those that would rather have every immigrant come to America while we have American Children starving and sleeping in shelters. We have those that want the Government to give them everything while we have others that work 2 or 3 jobs just to keep the lights on. We have those that will vandalize property during a protest but won’t allow others to give a speech. We have those that will use their skin color or religion as a reason why people may not like them and scream “racism” when it is they who have no respect for others. We have those that pay little or no taxes yet are the first to push for others to pay more.  We have those that blame others for all of their struggles yet take no responsibility for their own actions. America is at a crossroads. We can come together and be stronger as a nation but first we must put GOD back into our society. Individuals cannot determine what is ultimately right and wrong as many will have various viewpoints and thought processes. If we use Biblical teachings as a foundation we will at least have a shot at not destroying ourselves as many societies have done throughout history.


Health Care should not be political but based on common sense.

Health Care is really not that complicated… what most American’s want is affordable, accessible, quality care. We want to choose our own doctor and not be forced to pay for coverage’s we don’t believe in.  We want to go to the doctor if we feel sick and can’t diagnose or treat an ailment and we want to make sure our children grow up as healthy as possible. Somewhere along the line Health Care became more about Health Coverage and the number of people who have a policy vs. what these policies actually do and the benefits to the consumer. Today, an average family of 3 might have to pay $1,000 a month for premiums with a $6,000 deductible… that is $18,000 in cost to a family before insurance really kicks in..then you may still have a 20% co-insurance on top of that. Many doctors will no longer accept the types of policies that individuals have to buy because HMO’s force a doctor to only charge what the plan says and they end up having to see more patients to keep profitable so they spend less time with each and thus the quality goes down.  I believe most Americans would agree that children should be given the opportunity to grow up healthy as they don’t get to make too many decisions while young. Adults can choose to smoke, over eat, not exercise, take drugs, live a certain lifestyle and a variety of other factors that may or may not cause issues..children are dependent on their parents and have very little say. If Washington can agree to make sure our children have access to health care one way or another, and adults have affordable, accessible, and quality care then maybe together the stubborn fools in Congress can actually get something done. Health Care should not be political but based on common sense.


Athletes Protesting Anthem Short-Sighted

Those protesting the American Flag and National Anthem don’t truly understand what they stand for. Of course, they represent the men and women who fought for and continue to put their lives on the line to protect our freedom. We should also remember that being a proud American is not just about the struggles and dreams of those in the past but also those living today and our next generation. We honor and remember people like Dr. King who worked to improve our society knowing his life was in danger. We think of those such as Rosa Parks who had the courage to say “NO” and changed history. We’re thankful for George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and others who had political and military roles during the foundation and critical points in our history. We also recognize the local teacher, truck driver, mom, dad, etc. who work hard every day to take care of their family, our children, and continue to make America the envy of the world. The American Flag and our National Anthem is not about one person, one event or any social issue, it is about our past, present, and future as well as the American Dream that ALL people both here and abroad wish for.  Our Country is young compared to many around the globe and we certainly have had, and continue to have issues that can be improved.  Although it is everyone’s right to protest, sit, kneel or raise a fist remember that these symbols represent more than one person’s thoughts or feelings, it is about an entire nation and all that we have endured, and all that we have yet to accomplish. Just the fact that our Constitution gives the right to protest without legal repercussions should make all the athletes and others Thank GOD that they are in America and grateful for the opportunity they have.


Liberal Outrage Misplaced!

It is interesting to hear all the outrage regarding DACA and immigration. In 2012 President Obama acted without Congress and now ½ the country is upset with a President who is giving Congress 6/mo. to finally get immigration reform passed otherwise the laws on the books will be followed. The outrage needs to be against members of Congress, both parties. Whether Health Care, Immigration or even Taxes, Congress has a history of pushing things down the road or if they do act it is to appease a certain sector of the population and about votes. Those in Congress must balance how to help those in need but also not to hurt others. A small portion of the American population benefited from Obamacare but most were hurt by higher premiums and lose of doctors. Adjusting a tax rate up or down does not really solve a problem of loop holes, those not paying any tax and those who cheat the system. Immigration is about people, not just those that want to come to America but also American Citizens and those who have come here legally. Our Schools are failing. We have too many students per teachers, old buildings, old supplies, and programs being cut. Our prisons are over- crowded and many immigrants who came to America by not exactly following the rules use resources based on their need. No one is saying the majority of people (including those who came here legally or not) are not hard-working, kind, and giving people. However, if we don’t fix our basic foundations and make sure those who followed the rules have the best opportunities for the American Dream we should not be extending that privilege to others.
