The Spirit of Christmas is not just one day !

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When we think about the Spirit of Christmas it is more than just a tree, presents and eggnog. In general, people have a different attitude during this time of the year. We may see an extra greeting, a bigger smile, more generosity and even more patience (except at malls). Even throughout history wars have been paused to celebrate Christmas. It is not about the gift giving but about bringing joy to those we know and strangers alike. It is about thinking of others with a gesture that could be as simple as a phone call, a hug, a card or a pair of socks…it is about making an effort to make others happy. It is also a reminder of the simple things that bless our lives regardless of individual circumstances. We think of our life, our friends, family and even co-workers. We think of all the special moments in our lives and the impact we have in this crazy world. We may celebrate the Birth of Jesus on Christmas Day but for all of GOD’s children, regardless of religious affiliation, the lessons of Grace, Kindness and Caring is what GOD wants us to remember and act upon every day. We can’t forget those who have a very hard time during the holidays. Memories can bring sadness, circumstances can bring frustration. This is also a time to pray for not only those that are close to our heart but for those we don’t even know. All what Christmas is can be summed up in the word LOVE. GOD loves each of us unconditionally and gives us the ability to share that love and kindness with others. May we all remember to share the Spirit of Christmas each and every day. Blessings.


What Makes America Great?


There is no doubt that current times, just like many of our past, is filled with political and social differences. We see more of it now with the technology that is available but the difference of opinions has always been there. However, strip away the media coverage, the social media sharing and the other forms that spread anger and hate and what do we have… The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  At our foundation of a nation we can still drive through most towns throughout this country and see various places of worship and freedom to pick what we choose to believe in. We can buy food at grocery stores 24 hours a day. We can buy clothes and household items at various stores and even on-line. Our children can go to public schools, private schools, charter schools, or even be home- schooled. People of all ages can participate in various activities from sports to crafts to hobbies of all sorts.  If we don’t like our political leaders we have the chance to change them out every few years. We can train and work in a field of our choosing and if we don’t like our job we have the freedom to try a different one. We can speak our mind and criticize those in power and we have protections from our Constitution as long as we are not hurting someone. We have the ability to protect our Country with our great military as well as other nations that may need our help. All of the above and many points not mentioned come with issues and problems that constantly need to be worked through as nothing will ever be perfect and no law will benefit 100% of the population 100% of the time. What we have is America….All it takes is a little research to realize, How Blessed We Are.
