My Challenge To The Media, Washington, & Hollywood.

As an Average American I have reached out to individuals in the Media, Washington, and even Hollywood to challenge them to Mature Conversations on topics in which they freely insult others that have opposing viewpoints to their own, which has caused division, and in some cases violence throughout our Nation. The only response I ever get back is silence or insults. Most Americans respect and understand differences yet most in the Media, Washington and Hollywood feel it appropriate to use derogatory and offensive language because they have the audience and ability to reach millions of listeners, readers etc. It is cowardly to use these platforms to divide a nation but unwilling to have Mature Conversations with Average Americans of different viewpoints.  Most people do care about things, (Economy, Immigration, Taxes, Health Care, Education, Abortion, Military etc.) but we have different views that if shared could only lead to a better understanding and the opportunity to find solutions that can improve our society. Working together does not mean we will always agree or even understand, but when people share their thoughts, listen and respect others great things can happen.  For most of America this occurs already on a daily basis yet The Media, Washington and Hollywood keep dividing and inciting anger and hatred. So I challenge those with the ability to reach large audiences to have mature, respectful conversations with those you disagree with. If you are not able, or choose not to do this, then I ask you to please turn off the microphone, camera and computer and let those that want to live peacefully, with respect for all, be the voice of our Nation.


Why Schools should teach that GOD is part of our Country’s History !

Contrary to many, the phrase “Separation of Church and State” is not in the Constitution. However, it does clearly state “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Our Country was not founded to remove Faith, Religion or the Belief in GOD but rather to prohibit the Government from forcing any one religion on its citizens. Clearly, the belief that there is a higher power besides our own is a true foundation of our Nation. Even to this day it is still seen on our money “In GOD We Trust”.  Another example is when we take an oath of office or are sworn to tell the truth we say, “So Help Me GOD”, sometimes with a hand on the Bible. We still honor America with the Pledge of Allegiance and the phrase “One Nation Under GOD”, etc. Our Nation was founded on the belief that GOD is more powerful than man and that we should look to GOD for guidance and support. Faith in GOD is different from a national religion. I challenge all History/ Government Teachers & Professors to teach the true meaning of what the Constitution says about our Nation’s belief in GOD. Maybe our future generations will pray more, pray in public, and not be afraid to talk about GOD without fear of lawsuits. America can lead the rest of the world in showing the importance of living what GOD teaches and maybe, just maybe, there can be peace both here and abroad.


Time to Have a Special Investigation on the Negative Impact that Hollywood and The Media has on American Society.

What used to be the norm in both Movies and Television is now a rarity. Stories about good marriages, everyday heroes (not those with superpowers), hard work and respect for one another seem to be considered boring or not sellable. The Media would rather focus on gotcha moments of politicians, and report on the small percentage of those that perform bad acts, as well as anything that can divide people instead of unite them.  Many Americans that are still trying to figure out what they believe, how they should act and what is proper behavior are faced with many challenges.  Hollywood and the Media seem to care more about the bottom line than what is best for our future.  With all the special investigations going on I would like to call for one that investigates the negative impact Hollywood and the Media has on the American Culture.


Obamacare just shifted the problem from one segment to another.

Obamacare did not improve health insurance. All it did was shift the issues of rising premiums and accessibility from one group to another. The self-employed, the independent contractor, the small business owner, are now the ones most effected. Those that are not part of a Group Plan and those that earn more than would qualify for a subsidy, as well as the many who may qualify but do not feel the Government should pay for their health premiums can no longer afford decent care nor find a doctor that would accept the plans available. Shifting the problem was never the correct answer. It is time to solve the problem instead of just looking for votes from a segment of the population.
