Civility Is All Of Our Responsibility!


Leadership should not be from Politicians, The Media, Athletes or Hollywood. The future of our country, the future of how neighbors talk to one another, how people discuss differences and how our country will come back together will be from the examples that are set throughout communities in places such as work, schools, places of worship & even coffee shops.  It is up to all of us to set the example and then for our elected officials to follow our lead of civility, kindness and respect. The current anger did not just happen, it has built up over the past few administrations and fueled with the help of new technology. We should not wait to see a political party or individual, let alone a news station, change their ways. We, as average citizens, of this Great Nation, are responsible for what our country is and neither One Person, Party, or TV Network is solely responsible. When we wake up each day we each have a choice, a choice to speak and act in a way that is kind and respectful. If we, as individuals, can not do it ourselves then we should not have expectations that others will either.  Our Country belongs to each of us and we are all responsible for its future. GOD Bless America!


News Networks are the Voice of Hollywood!



Let’s look at the facts. The News Divisions of the major networks, along with Cable are part of Hollywood. Hollywood for the most part is Pro-Liberal, Pro-Democratic. Whether sports, news or entertainment, each network’s division is part of its corporation and ALL part of Hollywood and all about power and money. We saw the hypocrisy of Hollywood exposed with the Weinstein Scandal and the rampant “looking the other way” for years from the same people who are the loudest against President Trump and Conservatives. Hollywood and its News Divisions are trying to divide the country. Even this morning, one week before the Mid-Terms, commentators on CNN said that “There are Some Old White Men that do not think people of Puerto Rico should be able to vote” … no video of people saying this..just a statement from a commentator. People at MSNBC referred to the Caravan as “Migrants” and that our President should not use the military to stop peaceful migrants. FYI Morning Joe, Migrants are “Workers who moves from place to place to do seasonal work.” Migrants are not those seeking political asylum. People that want to move here for a better economic opportunity need to get in line. So yes, the caravan needs to be stopped. Let’s not forget other commentators that have referred to people like Dr. Ben Carson, Kanye West, as well as the group of African-American College leaders that recently attended the White House, as “Puppets’ and “Uncle Tom” The Democrats and Liberal News still talk about how a Vote for the Republicans is a vote to get rid of “Pre-Existing Conditions”..yet the Republicans have been in control of everything for the last two years and that has never once been suggested. The Media refers to President Trump’s Foreign policy as destroying our nation, yet he has diminished the ability of ISIS, reduced tensions with N. Korea, strengthened our military and encouraged other United Nation Members to pay more, as well as, re-negotiated Trade Deals in all less than 2 years. We see Great Britain leaving the EU. We see other nations across the Globe electing officials that are against open borders and believe in protecting one’s sovereignty.  Yes, the United States is part of a Global Economy and we have a vested interest in helping other countries but not to a point where it has a negative effect on our trade, economy and finances.  People need to vote their conscience, not be afraid to express their own beliefs, own viewpoint. In America, people have a right to vote for who they want and for whatever reason they choose to. If history looks at some of the biggest attempted “Takeovers” of our country we need to look no further than the Greed in Hollywood and their fear of losing their influence on society.


Say NO to Socialism, Say NO to the Democratic Agenda!


The economic growth and the low unemployment of African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Women and just about every group of people shows what most already knew. Citizens do not want the Government to increase hand-outs. People just want opportunity. As we have seen, regardless of color of skin or gender, Americans are not afraid to work, they just want the opportunity to take care of themselves, their family, and control their own destiny. The Gov’t should be there to help those who need it, whether on a short term basis or longer due to a physical or medical reason, but Americans do not want to be dependent on the Government if they can avoid it. For too long certain members of the political establishment have pushed for more Government Control. They continue to push an agenda of “Let the Government Take Care of You” which means “Let the Government Control You”. When people are given all the necessities to live their ability to dream and control their own destiny becomes faded and their new reality is to let others determine what they can have, where they can live and what their future looks like. Say No to Socialism. Say No to the Democratic Agenda!


The Media Has Gone Too Far!


The Liberal Media has gone too far and needs to be stopped.  Yesterday was the tipping point. The tragedy in Pittsburgh leaving many dead at a Jewish Synagogue was another terrible day for America. However, even before all the next of kin were notified, before even the lunatic’s name was made public, CNN and MSNBC were blaming President Trump for this massacre. The Liberal Media has spent the majority of the past 30 months accusing Donald Trump of everything from being a Russian Puppet, to being Racist, Homophobic, Misogynistic, etc. The media consistently only reports their viewpoint and slant. Charlottesville did have people on both sides that wanted to hurt others as well as people who just wanted to peacefully protest. President Trump early on said that Mexico sends its criminals to the US. He didn’t say that All Mexicans were criminals but the people that make up gangs like MS13 come here illegally and are criminal but the media reports that “Trump says all Mexican Immigrants  are criminal” and has kept that narrative for two years running.  For every comment that the Media brings up it is only their interpretation and narrative. This week Luis Farrakhan referred to Jewish people as termites and basically got a pass from the media as well as the likes of former  President Obama and other Democrat Candidates. The Liberal Media received the biggest blow on election night 2016. For Months they reported that “Trump could never win”, “Hillary in a landslide” etc. Their experts had all the answers and on that one night they were all shown to be without credibility. They were exposed in their desire to create a narrative for people to believe and try to sway the public to their viewpoint.  After the election they could have re-evaluated their approach and gone back to reporting just facts or even presenting both sides to a story on how Americans may look at comments, events or other headlines from different viewpoints. Instead, they double downed and increased the one-sided reporting, even calling those that did not agree with their narrative “Despicable Americans”.  It is one thing to have an opinion but to accuse The President, who has been a bigger supporter of Israel than many of our recent presidents, of causing this Anti-Semitic attack is as untruthful as any story they have reported and they should apologize and maybe even lose their license. Shameful.


Being the “United” States still means something.

US Flags

If we ask ourselves why our country is so polarized & passionate about our political and social beliefs we can find some positive in the answers. The last few years were certainly not the first time we have seen this kind of national divide in our political tone. From the American Revolution to the Civil War, to the Vietnam Era and the Civil Rights Movement, America, at times, has seen its fair share of strong voices for one side or another. In 2018 we are still the envy of the world, still the country that more people want to visit, want to live, and a country that most others would prefer to be our ally than our enemy. We produce the most goods and services and are the biggest supplier of humanitarian need around the globe. Americans are a passionate people. We were founded on a belief that each individual in our country matters and everyone is entitled to the same unalienable rights. Our Life, Our Liberty and Our Pursuit of Happiness means something different to each one of us but that is the Blessing of Being an American. We each have our own dreams and each have the opportunity to strive for whatever our own goals are without being told where to live, how to work, and what to think. With less than two weeks before our next Election Day it is important to remember that it is only because we are Blessed to Live in America that we can be open about our passions and feelings. However, we must do so with respect for our fellow citizens and understand that they have a right to their opinion just as we do our own. The current environment is stressful not because we need to all agree but rather not forget that we are all Americans, under One Flag, trying to live a life we were given.  God Bless America.


A letter to our Nation’s Founding Fathers


To our Founding Fathers and all those who fought for the Independence of America.

As we are about to Vote as a nation for local and national elections it seems that many have forgotten what principles our nation was founded upon and why over 240 years ago citizens of The British Colonies put their individual differences aside to work together to form a New Nation, one that would transform the history of the world.  Today, we see people call each other despicable names because they support one politician over another. Many of our current US Citizens no longer look at their fellow Americans as a “Brother/Sister” under the Stars and Stripes but rather an enemy and one that is not even worth having a conversation with. In our past we would discuss our disagreements such as how our tax dollars should be spent or what is the appropriate amount of taxes to even be collected. We forget that many lost their lives to even give us the ability to make those decisions in our own governing body and not by someone across an ocean. We see people attacking one another both verbally and physically because they have different viewpoints. We even see some Americans wanting to give more power and control to the Government and turn our nation into a socialist country where the government tells its citizens what to do, what to buy, how much money you should have and will gladly take from those who have to give to those who don’t. Please know, as a Nation, we have always been a giving people, as many have given their lives to not only fight for our freedom but for the freedom of other nations as well. We have also been the biggest giver of humanitarian need to those around the globe. Your efforts and sacrifice will not be in vain as we go through this turbulent time in our history. We will, as a nation, eventually put away the hate, put away the feelings of entitlement and remember that we are Blessed to live in the United States of America and that only together can we survive what the future may hold. Thank You and God Bless this Great Nation.


The Media, In Spite Of Themselves, Continues to Actually Help Trump.


Once again, just like two years ago, we should thank the Media, Left Wing Protesters, and even most of the Democratic Politicians. For those of us who have supported Donald Trump we did so because we knew he was a fighter for what he believed in. He was a fighter for what he feels is for the good of the country and strives on “counter punching” attacks from whatever direction they may come. We saw Republican politicians finally stand up to the media circus, the violent and vulgar protests, and the smear campaign against a good man in Judge Kavanaugh. President Trump seems to do the most when he is attacked, when he is criticized, and when he is threatened. He has succeeded beyond expectations these past two years because he’s had no choice. Our Country is in good shape and getting better and the Democratic platform is still “No Trump” without any substance. Republican Politicians win when they take the example from the Country’s Leader and get the work done in spite of those that try to stop it. So thank you CNN, Thank You MSNBC, Thank You Pelosi, Schumer, Booker and the whole lot of you for inciting your followers to show the dark side of our country. We will continue to be a United Nation, will continue to be strong, and continue to improve because most Americans don’t want what the media circus promotes and believes in civility and respect for one another regardless of political/social opinions. GOD BLESS AMERICA.


The Silence & Hypocrisy of Kaepernick and Other Flag Kneelers during the Supreme Court Hearings.



For two years we have seen people kneel during our National Anthem for what they claim is to bring attention to improper justice in the Judicial/Legal System. They want to bring attention to those that may be stopped, arrested, and even convicted without proper evidence. They want to bring attention to those that may be harassed based on skin color without proper cause. Yet, we have seen studies that show anywhere from 2%-10% of all Sexual Abuse Accusations prove to be false. So for every 100 Accusations 2-10 men have their lives torn apart only to be falsely jailed or at best lose their reputation and watch their name and family be dragged through the mud. While all accusations should be taken seriously and investigated it is surprising the Silence from the likes of Kaepernick who have been preaching Equal Justice For All and the idea of Innocence Until Proven Guilty with Facts to Prove It. Judge Kavanaugh was accused of a serious incident and there has been no proof that it has occurred except the word of one individual. Other accusations have even less credibility. The folks that want to have a conversation of Equal Justice and the idea of Innocent Until Proven Guilty should take a look at their silence and ask themselves do they really care about improving our judicial system or has it all been for show and a shoe contract?


Americans have a right to think for themselves without being labeled.


The current Supreme Court controversy falls in line with the Democratic stance on Anti-Police, Illegal Immigration and Flag Kneeling. We are seeing protests and speeches that say if Judge Kavanaugh is put on the Supreme Court than Republicans don’t care about abuse towards women. Very similar to the same rhetoric that says if you are trying to stop illegal immigration you are against human rights and if you don’t like people kneeling for the National Anthem you are OK with Police Brutality. What the Democrats want to do is to paint people with a broad stroke. Put people into groups. According to them if you are not convinced with the evidence that has come out regarding this Supreme Court nominee then you don’t care about Abuse. Same kind of rhetoric that if you are African-American you vote Democratic, if you are a woman you vote Democratic, if you work in a labor union you vote Democratic, etc.… The Democratic Party continues to tell people how to think and how to feel. They continue to accuse ½ the country of what Clinton liked to call “Deplorables”. While the Republicans talk about policy, Democrats talk about Republicans. Americans are free to think, free to evaluate, free to pick what is important to them, and most of all, free to vote for who they want. When you blame ½ the country of doing and allowing terrible things you start down a road of “divide and conquer” and history shows us what happens if that kind of philosophy wins. The Jews were blamed for all the ills of Germany and were told by their political leaders to hate them. NOV. 6th is very important for all Americans. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
