Thanksgiving Lessons From The Pilgrims

As we come upon another Thanksgiving…there are certainly lessons we can learn today from what occurred over 400 years ago. Pilgrims left a land in order to Worship God Freely, without Government Control…and although The Pilgrims initially went to The Netherlands from England, they also were concerned about economic opportunity. Thus, they headed across the ocean…they became friendly with people they newly met, in a new land, and worked together. After the first winter there were fewer than 60 of the original 100 plus Pilgrims who left on the Mayflower. It was not the amount of people that changed the world and help established a foundation of a country…it was the heart and determination of those who survived, the memory of those who didn’t, and the idea of what life can be. Today, we have many Americans that won’t even talk with a neighbor or co-worker due to political differences…insulting or disrespecting others has become normal…it does not take a lot to change the course of our nation…it just takes each of us to do our part. The Pilgrims gave up their life for something better. The survivors continued the dream. Our Nation’s History has generations of those who risked it all for “A nation to worship freely” and an economic system that offers opportunity to those that are willing to work for it, without a lot of Government Control…from Pilgrims to our Veterans…putting personal differences aside for a more important cause…so while we are eating that turkey leg or having that piece of pie…let’s all give thanks to those that allow us to “Worship Freely” and “Have Opportunity” and ask ourselves what we can do better to make our nation more what most of us would like it be.
